The perfect quiet spot to plein air paint in Jamestown, R.I.

A teeny tiny parking lot (maybe 5 spaces) is the only clue to finding this hidden treasure cove on Jamestown, R.I.  Popular with cast and reel fishermen and sunbathers enjoying a book, this quiet spot is a joy to visit.

The crystal clear waters immediately caught my eye.  The colors were almost tropical where the waves lapped the shore.  In the distance, sailboats skirted along the horizon line.

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island
The beach at Hull Cove, Jamestown, RI
Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island

From the parking area, it’s a quick quarter mile walk on the trail to the beach.

As you come to the end of the trail, this gorgeous view greets you >>>

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island
Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island
View of Hull Cove from the rocks on the walking path

Rocky shoreline trail

To the left of the beach, a trail winds along the top of the rocky shoreline continuing around the point. 

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island

Plein Air Landscape Painting - Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island sketch

My process… When I have enough time, I prefer to start with a value sketch to decide on the composition.  Once I have the composition decided, I use the grid method to transfer the drawing to the toned canvas.  In this case, I toned the canvas with transparent earth red.

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island painting

About 2 hours into the painting, I have blocked in all the large shapes and started to add definition to the lights and  shadows.  I spend a lot of time getting the colors correct to capture the atmosphere of the moment.  I can add the details in the studio, but getting the colors to match the vibrancy of what I see can only happen outside.

This is also point when my husband usually joins me with dogs to keep me company while I wrap up.  Then we take the dogs for their afternoon walk together.

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island painting
Walking the dogs along the rocky coastline

Plein air landscape oil painting | Hulls Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island

Hull Cove, Jamestown, Rhode Island painting
'Hull Cove Crystal Waters', Jamestown, Rhode Island, original oil painting (SOLD)

The woods surrounding the path to Hull Cove are managed by Conanicut Land Trust. Don’t double park – you will be ticketed.  Enjoy your adventure!